Campaign 3: Seminar on Human Trafficking

2 September, 2024

OSINT-RADAR and INTERCEPTED Projects are collaborating to host a Seminar on Human Trafficking on September 19th. The seminar will be held in a blended format, with an in-person option in Tirana, Albania, and a virtual online option. The Meeting is held in English and under the rules of the Chatham House Rule, which regulates confidentiality, in relation to the source of information exchanged during discussions in closed-door meetings. 

Please register for the event using the following EU Survey:

The meeting link will be provided prior to the event*



Community of Practices for Scenario Awareness and Identification of DaaS (Digital as a Service)

Focus on Financial Transactions and Money Laundering: An Analysis of the modus operandi of different criminal groups specialized in different scenarios and how they operate. Introduction to the ‘Follow the Money’ approach

The financial component of THB: the perspective of the investigators and prosecutors

Strengthening Alliances – Guidelines for Effective Public-Private Cooperation in Countering Human Trafficking

Open Discussion and conclusions