The Prosecutor Office of Trieste, with its investigative interforce police (TSJudPol) comprising Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza, Polizia di Stato and Polizia Penitenziaria, plays a central role in the investigations of human trafficking along the EU Eastern borders and the Balkan route. Each year the Prosecutor Office of Trieste has managed 4.000 – 5.000 cases of migrants accused of illegally entering Italy with a high rate of THB-related crimes managed by complex transnational organisations. Over 34.800 legal files have been stockpiled in Trieste. They mostly concern Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian and Afghan citizens, with the involvement of Western Balkans and European THB organisations facilitating THB-related crimes.
The prosecutor office of Trieste has an extensive network of prosecutor offices in Italy, Austria, Croatia and Slovenia and cooperates with Eurojust in the framework of different investigative activities and JITs. TSJudPol is member of EJN and EJTN for judiciary training.
For its experience and competences in THB, the TSJudPol leads WP1 and WP3, two key WPs where investigative capacities and tech infrastructures are required.
AGENFOR is a non-profit Research Centre registered by the Italian Ministry of University, Scientific Research and Technology since 2000, and specializes in working on humanities and social sciences. The focal point for AGENFOR activities is the field of security and counterterrorism where it conducts specialised researches, manages a number of EU and National Projects and produces news and documentaries for national and international television audiences.
AGENFOR has conducted research into policy issues since 1997, with a focus on Muslim minorities in Europe and in the Western Balkans, and non-Muslim minorities in countries with Muslim majorities. AGENFOR concentrates its activities on the examination of relation between ethnicity and national identities, religious and secular governance within State building, National and Federal identities and interrelation between agents and structures in social changes. Moreover, AGENFOR produces news and documentaries for the Italian public television (RAI), Mediaset, BBC, al-Jazeera, RSI, and many other networks.
Agenfor has also been actively engaged in the design and development of technologies with a specific focus on OSINT, SIGINT and VR solutions for prosecutor offices and LEAs.
The Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies is a public institution with a unique composition and mission. Located in Granada (Spain) and ruled by a joint Board of Trustees chaired by the Secretary General for Universities. The Board of Trustees is further composed by two representatives from the University of Granada, two from the Ministry of Education and from the Government of Andalusia. The Euro-Arab Foundation works within the fields of cooperation, training and research.
FUNDEA aims to create a space for dialogue and cooperation between the countries of the European Union and Arab countries. The Foundation was entrusted with promoting cultural, scientific and economic relations between Europe and the Arab World, throughout the spread of scientific and humanistic knowledge produced in universities and other centres for scientific research or artistic creation, either national or international, in order to contribute to the reinforcement of the dialogue between Arab States and European States.
For that purpose, the Foundation’s work is focused on the promotion of studies and research as well as platforms and forums of discussion and debate. By means of collaboration agreements, the Foundation maintains relations with educational, cultural, research and economic institutions in order to strengthen ties among countries in Europe and in the Arab World.
FUNDEA manages the WP6 on communication.
The Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen ‘HfÖV’ (University for Public Administration)’ is a university of applied sciences located in the city state Bremen, established in 1979 by law (Bremisches Gesetz über die Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung vom 18. Juni 1979 Brem.GBl. S. 233, amended 01.10.2006).
The HfÖV operates two major study programmes: Law and Taxation / Risk and Security Management; additionally, HfÖV serves as public Police Academy.
Since 2006, HfÖV is operating the Institut für Polizei- und Sicherheitsforschung (Institute for Police and Security Research) IPoS (Satzung des Instituts für Polizei- und Sicherheits-forschung IPoS in der Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen, amended 16 May 2013). IPoS is headed by Prof. Dr. Arthur Hartmann, specialised in Criminal Law and Criminal Proceedings Law.
IPoS is active in externally funded research at domestic and EU level. During the past years, IPoS has conducted various national and international projects as well as projects funded by the European Union as Co-Applicant and Lead Applicant (since 2015) in consortia with partners from EU and non-EU countries. Focus of projects includes statistical evaluation, organized crime, money laundering, counter-terrorism, domestic violence, de-radicalisation and trafficking in human beings among others.
With a focus on present project proposal it shall be highlighted that HfÖV serves as Single Police Academy.
The Hellenic Police is subordinated to the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection. The mission of HP is to: ensure peace and order as well as citizens` unhindered social development, a mission that includes general policing duties and traffic safety; prevent and interdict crime as well as to protect the State and the democratic form of government within the framework of constitutional order; and prevent illegal border crossing as well as to enforce the legal framework in which immigrants are allowed to live and work in the country.
In its continuous mission to serve and protect citizens, Hellenic Police has responded to our times` demands and challenges by improving investigative capabilities, adopting a modern crime prevention policy, better utilizing science and technology and by exploiting international law enforcement cooperation.
The Hellenic Police will bring a key LEA perspective to WP2 analysis, implement the training (WP3) and lead the Greek pilot (WP5)
The Center for Security Studies (Kentro Meleton Asfaleias – KEMEA), founded in 2005 by Law 3387, is a scientific, consulting and research organization overseen by the Minister of Citizen Protection, governed by common law and annually audited by chartered accountants. Its principal purpose is to conduct theoretical and applied research and studies, particularly at strategic level, on security topics and policies. Moreover, it is the think-tank of the Ministry of Citizen Protection on numerous policies such as public order, correctional services, terrorism prevention, crime prevention, integrated border management and civil protection as well as on various other security and societal issues; it also provides advisory and consulting risk-management services to an array of public and private organizations.
KEMEA will lead WP2 “Analysis and Co-creation”.